Accessibility goals at the Ark begin with feedback and planning.
Our School Accessibility Committee, informed by the Accessible BC Act, is helping us continue to meet equitable inclusivity objectives for learners, staff, parents and our community.
Elaine Gee, MEd (Special Ed) BCBA, Spectrum Behaviour Consulting
Jennifer MacKinnon, Early Childhood Educator & Hearing Advocate
Adina Priel, School Principal
Timothy Carson, Behaviour Interventionist
Prudence Leung, Parent of two learners
Tina Poon, Parent of two learners
Our Three-Year Plan (2023-2026)
Overview: This Accessibility Plan outlines the measures the actions our school will take to remove and prevent barriers and to promote inclusion and accessibility for all within our school community. The plan is based on the Accessibility Principles of Adaptability, Collaboration, Diversity, Inclusion, Self-Determination, and Universal Design, as set out in the Accessible B.C. Act. Based on the feedback gathered from staff, parents/guardians, and students, and the Physical and Architectural Environment Audit, the Accessibility Committee has identified the following areas as the top priority for improving accessibility in the school community.
Priority 1: Enhancing the accessibility of access to learning:
Priority 4: Assess physical and architectural environment accessibility:
Priority 2: Increase awareness on training and assistive and adaptive supports and resources:
Priority 3: Ensure policies and practices align with the principles of accessibility, and to address any identified gaps in staff training or knowledge on accessibility needs: