The Ark’s Annual Open House
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 (7:00pm - 8:30pm)
Join us for our annual Ark Elementary School & Noah’s Ark Preschool Open House, for student intake September 2025, held, on Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025, 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Come and find out more about our unique school and extra-special school community of families. Our school and families are very proud of the innovative ways we teach our learners, unlocking superstar learning capacities and creating highly motivated and engaged young people.
Please arrive on time at 7:00 pm for check-in. It is a good idea to read the website content in advance to prepare yourselves and perhaps remind of questions you may have wanted to ask. It is a good idea to read our website content in advance to prepare and perhaps remind yourself of questions you may have wanted to ask. Attending the Open House is key part of helping parents understand and becoming part of our school community. The Ark Elementary gives placement preference to applications received from families who have attended this highly informative informative event.
We may already know your family through our tightly-knit, friendly parent community, or you may be seeking for an elementary or sibling placement, perhaps even attended our Open House once before, or be brand new to us, however all families are seeking the best place for their learner. Finding the right environment for your child to be loved, grow up and learn in, is much more than finding a nice physical space and a teacher or two - it is about a connection of deep purpose, common core values, teamwork and a shared growth mindset within a community. Ark Elementary School is looking for families who want to engage and partner with us too so we can best help your learner meet their real potential.
The application and enrolment process:
1. REGISTER FOR THE OPEN HOUSE: Click on the button above.
2. ATTEND THE OPEN HOUSE Both parents are expected to try to attend the Open House together, if possible. This is a grown-up-only event, so make sure your child is tucked away in bed where they really need to be at this hour, with someone nice to look after them.
3. APPLICATION FORM At the Open House, you will be able to collect an Application to Register Form available at the end of the evening.
4. COMPLETE & RETURN THE APPLICATION Drop the form off at school, anytime between 9:30–11:30 am or 1:00–2:30 pm. Leave it in the basket in the upstairs hallway, labelled ‘Application Intake Forms’, by the Thursday, January 30 deadline.
5. THE INTERVIEW Parents will be contacted by telephone to set up an appointment date and time for your child's interview at school. Parents should make a concerted effort to both attend the approximately 15-20 minute interview. Saturday and Sunday interview days may be an option to help facilitate the schedules of both parents attending.
6. A personalized evening phone call or Zoom format for a COLLABORATIVE REVIEW of the interview experience will take place within two days of the interview between the interviewing teacher and the parents.
7. CONFIRMATION OF PLACEMENT will be made by phone call after all interview sessions have been completed. This is usually by the end of February.
8. Finally, the REGISTRATION & ENROLMENT PACKAGE Parents will pick-up an envelope containing all Enrolment Forms needed to complete their child’s registration at the Ark. Complete all forms, front and back, including printed photos, then return this package to school by Friday, March 7th, 2025. If the forms are not returned by the deadline, the space will need to be offered to another waiting family.
“Thank you so much for the 24/7, heart-to-heart teaching and caring for our children as your own. We are grateful for being one of ‘the family” in the Ark Community. Every year is a real adventure.”
— Tina and Billy, Parents of 2 Learners