Student Code of Conduct
The 5 School Rules:
Follow directions quickly!
Raise your hand for permission to speak!
Make smart choices!
Be safe! Be honest!
Respect yourself, respect others and respect the school!
At Noah’s Ark School we care for ourselves, others and our community through…
R is for Responsible:
I come to school on time, well rested and ready to learn.
I am responsible for working my hardest.
I am responsible for bringing necessary supplies to school each day.
I do my homework in the best way I can.
E is for Enthusiastic:
I am enthusiastic about learning something new every day.
I take time and pride in my work.
I enjoy reading, working together and playing.
S is for Safety:
I walk in the halls and classrooms.
I use equipment at school safely and with care.
I play safely with others.
I always keep my hands and feet in my own personal space.
P is for Problem Solving
I problem-solve using thoughtful words and actions.
I can solve problems by co-operating with others.
I can help show others ways to find different solutions to their problems.
E is for Environment
I am a friend of the earth.
I take care of and have pride in our school.
I keep my classroom, lunchroom and playground clean.
C is for Communication
I use respectful language and manners with others.
I use a talking voice when I want to speak inside.
When I want to talk to a friend, I walk up close to them to get their attention, then I do not need to raise my voice.
I look at the person who is speaking.
I listen carefully to them and wait my turn to speak.
I raise my hand to share my ideas at circle time.
I raise my hand to get help from the teacher.
T is for Team Building
I try hard to include everyone when I play.
I work with many different friends.
I say nice things (compliments) to others.
I share, take turns and play fairly.
"There are three teachers of children: adults, other children and their physical environment.”