Emergency Procedures
Emergency Preparedness
Parents, Know What to Expect in an Emergency:
In the event of an emergency, fire, earthquake etc., we will need to evacuate the premises immediately and may remain evacuated for a longer term if the building become unsafe. The designated assembly area is the end of the rear parking lot. If necessary, the children will wait under staff supervision until a family member or designated individual arrives to assume responsibility for the child. In the event that a child cannot be picked up immediately, a staff, member will remain at the school site until all children have been collected, even if it will take several days. Please read the following carefully, so you, your spouse and those authorized to pick up your child from school will know what we are doing if your child is at school or you too are also on the school premises during an emergency:
During an Earthquake Emergency:
Stay calm.
Clearly instruct the children to quietly and quickly stop what they are doing and take cover under the tables. Duck, cover and hold.
Wait 60 seconds or until the shaking stops whichever is longer - then end of the rear parking lot, taking emergency cards, cell phone, first aid kit, emergency backpacks and attendance sheet.
Keep away from trees, telephone and electric lines.
When it is safe the children will return to their classes. If not they will wait outside.
Parents will be called to pick up their children. We will wait for families to collect their children. Release will be made only to those authorized to pick up the child. If possible, and necessary, attempt to reach out of town contacts for the remaining children.
During a Fire Emergency:
Stay calm.
Instruct the children to line up at designated escape exit and evacuate.
Staff take cell phone, first aid kit, emergency packs and attendance sheet.
Rendezvous at the end of the rear parking lot. Take attendance.
Wait for clearance to enter the building. If not possible, call families and wait until family or designated person picks up the children.
Alternative Meeting Points If Our Building/Area Is Severely Damaged:
The United Church, corner of Steveston and No. 3 Road.
Alternately, the Buddhist Temple, 9160 Steveston Hwy
Emergency Evacuation Plan
Emergency Evacuation Plan, Fire & Earthquake
All instructional activity shall cease immediately.
One teacher shall collect the attendance sheet, pen, cell phone.
Instruct the children to line up at the door closest to the exterior. (The door to be utilized by the Preschool class exits to the exterior side playground)
Take the Emergency First Aid Kit, containing class Emergency Cards.
The teachers shall lead the children to the very end of the rear parking lot, emergency assembly location at the west back end of the church lot, with one teacher in front of the children’s line and one covering the rear.
At the emergency assembly area one teacher will take attendance, recording building exit time.
The remaining teacher will supervise the children at all times.
Children and staff will remain in the field until instructed to do otherwise.
Pandemic Protocol
What is a Pandemic?
A pandemic is a global disease outbreak. A flu pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus emerges that people have little or no immunity to and for which there may be no vaccine. The disease spreads easily person-to-person and causes serious illness. It can sweep across the country and around the world very quickly. It is hard to predict when the next flu pandemic will occur or how bad it will be.
Ways the Pandemic may affect our School:
A flu pandemic might affect our program as follows:
Staff may be home ill or need to look after a sick family member.
Children may become ill or even die.
The school may need to close in order to contain the spread of illness.
The school community and the community at large will need to deal with misinformation, fear, anxiety, rumors, as well as potentially, grief and loss.
School Plan
Staff will check the children each day as they arrive for symptoms of illness. Any child or adult who is ill will not be allowed in school. Daily Health Checks observing the child at entry include:
Noticeable changes in behavior or appearance.
Skin rashes, itchy skin, itchy scalp, or (during a lice outbreak) nits.
Elevated body temperature (determined by taking the child’s temperature if a child feels warm).
Complaints of pain or of not feeling well; chills, cough, sore throat, head ache
Other signs or symptoms of illness such as drainage from eyes, watery eyes, vomiting, diarrhea, sore muscles.
Reported illness in child or family members, or injury of the child since last date the child attended school.
Children must stay out of the school setting until he or she has been without fever for a minimum of 24 hours, to prevent spreading illness to others.
Children must be kept in the library, away from other children until family arrives.
Notify Licensing of staffing/health situation and whether the school will close.
Staff are encouraged to get an annual flu shot.
Sick staff and students need to stay at home until their flu symptoms are gone and they are well enough to return to school or work.
The school will keep accurate records of when children or staff are sick/absent, including a record of the kind of illness that caused the absence such as vomiting/ diarrhea / temperature / breathing / chest / rashes / throat, etc.
The school will update the protocol to reflect current health/pandemic practices.
Prevention and the Best Health Practices:
Remind children and teachers to wash their hands or use alcohol-based hand rubs, and make sure that supplies are available.
Encourage teachers and children to use soap and water to wash hands when hands are visibly soiled, or an alcohol-based hand rub when soap and water are not available, and hands are not visibly soiled.
Encourage teachers to wash their hands to the extent possible between contacts with children, such as before meals, after assisting wiping the child’s nose or mouth, after touching objects such as tissues or surfaces soiled with saliva or nose drainage, after diaper changes, and after assisting a child with toileting.
Encourage teachers to wash the hands of infants and toddlers when the hands become soiled.
Encourage children to wash hands when their hands have become soiled. Teach children to wash hands for 15-20 seconds (long enough to sing the “Happy Birthday” twice).
Oversee the use of alcohol-based hand rubs by children. Avoid using these on children with skin sensitivities and allergies. Rub hands thoroughly until the alcohol has dried, when using alcohol-based hand rub.
Keep alcohol-based hand rubs out of the reach of children to prevent unsupervised use. Ensure that sink locations and restrooms are stocked with soap, paper towels, clean towels.
Keep the environment clean and make sure that supplies are available.
Clean daily frequently touched surfaces, classroom materials, toys, and commonly shared items at least daily and when visibly soiled.
Use a household disinfectant labeled for activity against bacteria and viruses, a chlorine bleach solution of ¼ cup chlorine bleach with 1 gallon of cool water or vinegar water solution. (Keep disinfectants out of the reach of children.)
Remind children and teachers to cover their noses and mouths when sneezing or coughing.
Advise children and teachers to cover their noses and mouths with a tissue or arm when sneezing or coughing, and to put their used tissue in a wastebasket.
Make sure that tissues are available in all rooms, and common areas such as reading rooms, classrooms, and rooms where meals are provided.
Encourage teachers and children to wash their hands or use an alcohol-based hand rub as soon as possible, if they have sneezed or coughed on their hands.
In the Event of School Closure:
Internal Staff Communication will continue via email. Parent Communication will be by email. Updates on possible school closure/ health will be made each day. Student learning will be able continue at home with parents, following an emailed schedule of activities/work for the children.
Parent Planning:
Symptoms: Symptoms of flu include fever (usually high), headache, tiredness, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, and muscle aches. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea also can occur, but are much more common in children than adults.
Spread of the Flu: Flu viruses spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing of people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose. Most healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 days after becoming sick. That means that you may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick.
Notify the school immediately if you plan to have your child stay at home when he or she becomes ill.
Have a “Plan B” for finding alternate care for their children if the program is closed during a flu pandemic and you need to still go to work. One options could be to develop a shared childcare plan with other parents/family and friends. Check community resources.
Practice good hygiene and stay away from others when you are sick. Be sure to model the correct behavior for your child. Remind children to:
Cover their nose and mouth with a tissue when they cough or sneeze—have them throw the tissue away after they use it.
Wash their hands often with soap and water, especially after they cough or sneeze. If water is not near, use an alcohol-based hand cleaner.
Not to touch their eyes, nose, or mouth.
Be ready for an emergency. Stock up on 2 weeks worth of water, non-perishable food supplies, emergency equipment and medicines, in case of retail shortages.
Know your community and workplace plans. Find out what your elected officials / workplace / school / other community groups have prepared for a pandemic.
Develop your own comprehensive family plan. What will you do if you become ill? What if both caregivers fall ill at the same time?
For More Information:
For more information about the flu, visit: www.vch.ca/flu
For more information about Vancouver/Richmond Community Health’s pandemic response plan, visit: www.vch.ca/pandemic
You may want to specifically refer to: Chapter 4, Infection Control & Chapter 5, Self Care.
Daycares /Preschools/Schools:
Contact through the Chief Medical Health Officer at:
Chief Medical Health Officer
Vancouver Coastal Health
#800-601 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4C2
Phone: 604-714-5684
Fax: 604-731-2756
Federal Quarantine Service:
24 hour federal quarantine service in British Columbia:
General office number for the federal quarantine service in British Columbia:
Language Services:
Regional Coordinator Language Services
Cross Cultural Health & Diversity
Department of Employee Engagement
Employee Learning & Development
#1033-601 West Broadway
Vancouver BC, V5Z 4C2
Phone: 604-875-4111 ext. 61628
Fax: 604-875-4761
On Call Medical Health Officer Emergency Number Fraser Health Authority
Medical Health Officers:
CDC Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, Vancouver/Richmond HSDA
Fraser Health Authority
BC Centre for Disease Control Main Switchboard
Points of Contact for VCH School Districts School District 38, Richmond
Other Emergency Numbers:
Vancouver International Airport, Operations Supervisor (24/7)
Vancouver International Airport, Emergency Manager
BC Ambulance Service, Manager of Emergency Preparedness
250-953-3316 or 250-953-3243
Health Canada Quarantine Office (24/7)
Poison Control
Provincial Emergency Program (PEP) for chemical, radiological and nuclear emergencies
Provincial Emergency Program (Victoria)
Emergency Preparedness
Non-Communicable Disease Epid. (Victoria)
Director General, Ministry of Health (Victoria)
Executive Director, Public Health Protection (Victoria)
Canadian Blood Service (24 Hour on Call)
Earthquake, Fire and Lockdown Procedure
Earthquake Drill
Announce to the children to STOP what they are doing and that we are conducting a Earthquake Drill. Use your voice.
Instruct the children to move quickly into the bathroom area, then DUCK, COVER & HOLD.
Count to 60 and wait until the shaking has stopped.
Instruct the children to line up and exit via the door to the playground.
Take the class list, cell phone and the emergency backpack, located in the upper playground exit hallway.
Follow evacuation procedure, meeting at the designated end of the parking lot.
If we are not be cleared to enter the building, one teacher may return to the children’s exterior play area to retrieve emergency supplies.
Attempt to contact Out Of town Emergency Contact persons to notify parents of the whereabouts of their children.
Wait for parents to collect their children.
Fire Drill
Announce to the children to STOP what they are doing and that we are conducting a Fire Drill. Use a bell & voice.
Instruct the children to line up at the designated exit door.
Preschool uses the door to the playground
Elementary uses the foyer door through to the front entrance.
Follow evacuation procedure above.
Lockdown Protocol
1. If you hear, “LOCKDOWN” announced:
Everyone is to stay where they are.
Teachers quickly glance outside the room to direct any students or staff members in the hall into your room immediately.
Manually lock your class door.
Lower or close any blinds.
Place students against the wall, so that the intruder cannot see them looking in the door.
Look for and go to your nearest pre-established ‘Safe Corner’.
Turn out lights and computer monitors.
Keep students completely quiet.
Note: All staff members should take their attendance/emergency kit with them prior to turning out the lights. This will aid in accounting for all students should an evacuation be necessary.
2. School locations:
Physical education classes being held in the gym should move into a smaller room, lock/bar all doors, and find a safe area to gather.
If students and teachers are outside the school building, or in the playground they should stop, gather into a group, drop low to the ground, remain still and silent.
Students and staff in the library should remain in the library, turn out the lights and locate a safe area. Bar the door with furniture.
If teachers and students are in the bathrooms, they should move to a stall and obstruct it if possible.
Anyone in the hallway should exit the building or move to the closest classroom immediately.
Volunteers/parents /support staff should stay with the children in the ‘safe area’ they are in, secure the doors, and turn out the lights.
Note: Common sense must be used to locate yourselves depending on the situation.
3. Stay in ‘safe areas’ until directed by law enforcement officers or a senior teacher/administrator to move or evacuate. Never open doors during a lockdown, even in the event of a fire alarm.
4. A senior teacher/administrator will signal all personnel when the lockdown has been lifted.
5. If an evacuation occurs, all persons/classrooms will be directed by a law enforcement officer or senior teacher to the gathering location outside. Once evacuated from the building to the ‘designated meeting spot’ at the end of the parking lot, teachers should take roll to account for all students present in class. Teachers will divide and keep in communication with cell phones if necessary.
6. Once the building is cleared for safety, students and staff may re-enter the building.
7. Families will be contacted by the teachers and will be students sent home for the remainder of the day.
8. Staff will immediately meet to debrief after the events. An email notice outlining the incident will be sent home to the families within 12 hours.
First Aid Protocol
First aid Emergency Protocol
Loudly announce there is a First Aid Emergency. Shout for HELP!
Call / Gather the children to sit in a group/circle near the injury site.
One teacher tends to the injured child.
One teacher dials 911 and then sits with the other children.
A teacher calls parents, arranging for further support from other available adults.
One teacher must go to the hospital with the sick or injured child.